Supplementary Benefits


Supplementary benefits may be claimed when old-age or invalidity pensions and other income are not sufficient to meet minimal living costs. They are meant to ensure that the elderly as well as the surviving family members of pension beneficiaries and the disabled have sufficient means to cover their basic living expenses. Several private charitable foundations - Pro Senectute, Pro Infirmis, Pro Juventute - also grant financial assistance to individuals in need.

Research and evaluation

In department-led research, basis for the evaluation and development of policies, legislation and its implementation are drawn up.

Information for insured persons

The first line of contact for insured persons with questions about Swiss Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance, invalidity insurance, income compensation allowances, supplementary benefits and family allowances are the compensation funds and IV Offices:

We compiled a list of the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the following page:


History of social security

Dive into the history of social security in Switzerland.

Last modification 12.01.2023

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