The Invalidity Insurance Domain

The main priorities of the domain are legislation, supervision and specific executive tasks in relation to AI/IV.

The AI/IV Domain is the steering and supervisory body of the AI/IV. Its principal aim is to structure and steer the invalidity AI/IV so that it can cover the basic needs of individuals with health impairments and integrate them into society. This process is particularly effective when as many people with disabilities as possible are integrated into or remain within a working environment. Primarily the AI/IV works towards keeping people in employment or enabling them to return to a workplace. In cases where this is impossible, the AI/IV compensates for the lack of financial resources by granting cash benefits.

In pursuing these goals, the AI/IV Domain works closely with the implementing bodies and maintains a dialogue with the organisations that provide private assistance to the disabled.

The AI/IV Domain develops foundations for the strategic orientation, legislation and implementation of the AI/IV for the attention of the Director, the Federal Council and Parliament. It supervises the AI/IV offices in relation to procedure, verification of invalidity, claims for rehabilitation measures, and assessments of the degree of invalidity and issues the necessary directives for this purpose. * It regulates reimbursement and subsidises organisations which provide private assistance to the disabled.

Head: Florian Steinbacher

Staff AI/IV

This section coordinates and ensures the effective and uniform implementation of the AI/IV across Switzerland. This includes organising and planning the annual target agreement discussions between the AI/IV domain and the AI/IV offices, maintaining communication with the AI/IV offices and formulating directives for these implementing agencies. 

Its remit also covers interdepartmental cooperation with SECO, SERI, SEM and FOPH working groups and with the Swiss Conferences of Cantonal Ministers of Education, Public Health and Social Affairs (SODK/CDAS, GDK/CDS, EDK/CDIP). In addition, the section answers around 600 written invalidity insurance-related enquiries from members of the public every year and jointly manages the IV research programme (FoP-IV) with theDomain MAS. 

Other responsibilities include internal quality management, ICS and risk management.

Head: Doris Lüthi

Occupational Integration

The Occupational Integration section further develops occupational integration services such as (integration-oriented) counselling, early intervention, integration measures and vocational measures (vocational training and job placement) as well as the entire AI/IV vocational integration process. Social, economic and socio-political issues and trends are analysed in inter-institutional cooperation with the relevant stakeholders (e.g. SERI, SECO and SEM). New approaches to the integration of people with health restrictions can be examined as part of pilot projects in accordance with Art. 68quater IVG/LAI or cooperation agreements with umbrella organisations in the world of work (Art. 68sexies IVG/LAI).

Furthermore, the Occupational Integration section is responsible for the supervision - management and control - of the cantonal implementing bodies with regard to occupational integration in order to ensure equal rights for insured persons throughout Switzerland as far as possible, without neglecting the individual needs of the people concerned. It regularly analyses (financial) key figures and impact indicators and discusses specific issues in depth with the IV/AI offices.

Findings in the context of the further development of occupational integration benefits and from the division's supervisory activities are incorporated into revisions to laws or ordinances or lead to amendments to directives, depending on the need for regulation. Any need for action that does not require regulation is discussed directly in close cooperation with the implementing bodies so that occupational integration benefits and the integration process are continuously improved.

Head: Monika Tschumi

Medical and Monetary Benefits SGL

This section is responsible for managing the list of congenital defects and verifying, on a case-by-case basis, AI/IV coverage of the costs of as-yet approved drugs and other medical measures. It is also in charge of negotiating tariffs with suppliers of medical aids and with providers of medical measures. The section also performs the following oversight functions: representing the AI/IV domain in tariff committees and formulating directives for the AI/IV offices. 

The section's remit also covers the ongoing development and monitoring of cash benefits, namely helplessness allowances, personal assistance allowances, as well as travel expenses in connection with occupational integration measures.

Head: Serge Brélaz

Procedures and Pensions

This section handles issues relating to the claim investigation procedure of the AI/IV offices. It is also in charge of overseeing and guiding the pension review process and degree-of-invalidity assessments and provides the AI/IV offices with directives on these matters. 

The section also works with the International Affairs Division of the FSIO on coordinating and handling international issues in relation to the AI/IV scheme.

A further responsibility of the Procedures and Pension section is the accreditation and commissioning of experts, as well as ensuring a consistent and effective approach to AI/IV-related insurance fraud prevention. 

Head: Ralf Kocher

Legislation/Legal Affairs

The Legislation/Legal Affairs section is responsible for the ongoing development of AI/IV-relevant legislation. It also deals with parliamentary business pertaining to the AI/IV. It draws up amendments to constitutional, legislative and ordinance provisions, formulates responses to parliamentary procedural requests and initiatives, is in charge of Federal Council business relating to the AI/IV, and represents the domain's interests as against other authorities, in particular in the context of interdepartmental consultations on their legislative projects.

The section's remit also includes handling appeals and consultation proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court and analysing rulings issued by the cantonal and federal courts. Within the AI/IV domain itself, the section advises the other sections on AI/IV benefits.

Head: Cornelia Jorns-Ruchti


The Audit section is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness, quality and consistency of the work carried out by the AI/IV offices. It also checks that these offices operate in compliance with federal provisions. It performs analyses and uses the findings to formulate recommendations for optimising the system and the work of the individual AI/IV offices. It compiles reports which it submits to the AI/IV offices and the AI/IV domain. These form the basis for the implementation of the target agreements between the AI/IV domain and the AI/IV offices. 

Subsidised service providers will be audited according to art. 74 of the Invalidity Insurance Law (LAI/IVG) and art. 101bis of the Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance Law (LAVS/AHVG).

Head: Isabelle Arango

Controlling, Resources and Subsidies

This section collaborates with the Mathematics, Analyses and Statistics Domain (MAS) in processing and interpreting the controlling data of the AI/IV offices. It also monitors AI/IV benefit types and develops and analyses performance indicators used by the FSIO and the AI/IV offices. The Controlling, Resources and Subsidies section also manages the process for the coding of AI/IV benefits.

A further part of the section's remit is the approval of AI/IV offices' budgets and final accounts. This work includes reviewing and authorising investments by the AI/IV offices and ensuring that these implementing agencies follow procurement procedures in accordance with the law. Within the FSIO itself, the section manages the finances of the AI/IV Domain.

From here on in, the section will be responsible for negotiating service level agreements with organisations that provide private assistance to the disabled, as under Art. 74 InvIA, these constitute a form of subsidy.

Head: Thomas Bhend


Last modification 18.02.2025

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