Research within the FSIO covers four areas: old-age benefits; disability / invalidity; family, generations and society; basics and future development of the social security system.
Longer life expectancy in retirement age, the low returns on pension fund investments and the development of new forms of employment being driven by digitalisation which – at present – still offer inadequate social protection are continually confronting the pension system with new and major challenges. FSIO Research did a lot of background work for the further development of the Retirement System. This work focuses in particular on how old-age insurance is structured during the working phase of, for example, the self-employed and of people who obtain part of their income via an Internet platform. Similarly, there should be a periodic check of individuals’ financial situations after they have taken retirement. The consequences of changes to the law in the field of social security and occupational pensions are systematically evaluated both ex-ante and ex-post, and any need for adjustment is highlighted.
2. Disability / invalidity
The 4th, 5th and 6th revisions of the Invalidity Insurance Act (InvIA) focused on the principle of 'rehabilitation before a pension' and the rehabilitation of individuals who already claim an invalidity pension. The measures contained in these reforms were the subject of the second multiannual invalidity insurance research programme (FoP2-IV), which ran from 2010 to 2015. The follow-on programme (FoP3-IV), which began in 2016 and ended in 2022, focused, among other things, on the long-term effects of the 6th revision of the InvIA, and on the rehabilitation and integration of children and adolescents with health problems. The programme included a broad-based survey of insured persons who had received IV integration measures. A further objective of the FoP3-IV was to update the findings of previous studies on subjects such as the quality and pricing of hearing aid provision, and transfers between the invalidity insurance scheme (IV), the unemployment insurance scheme (ALV) and the social assistance scheme. The fourth research programme (FoP4-IV), launched in early 2023, explores the core elements of further development of the IV (WEIV). Research therefore focuses on the target groups of the WEIV (e.g. children and adolescents, as well as young people with mental health problems), the cross-cutting measures contained in the reform with regard to case management, invalidity assessments and pension calculations, among others, and coordination between the IV and other actors like doctors and employers.
3. Family, generations and society
In this broad area, issues relating to family policy as well as child, youth and generation-related topics with social, economic and demographic elements are examined so as to provide information for political debate. Important areas relate to early support, the protection of minors in the media environment and, in the broader sense, the ability to achieve a work-life balance. Also being evaluated for optimisation and report purposes is the efficacy of specific financial assistance and measures.
4. Prospects and future development of the social security system
Social insurance is part of the social security system and plays a major role in the economy. Consequently, FSIO Research also looks at issues relating to the social and economic situation of various sectors of the population as well as the analysis of various forms and alternatives to the current social security system.
Last modification 16.05.2024