Economic well-being of the working- and retirement-age population (WiSiER)

The WiSiER dataset was created as a basis for analyses of the economic well-being of the working- and retirement-age population in Switzerland. It was deleted at the end of 2023.

The dataset was available for use by social security-related research projects from 2019 to 2023. It comprised tax data from 11 cantons for the years 2011 to 2015, as well as official register and survey data. In total, it contained information on 4.5 million people, or 53% of Switzerland's resident population, and covered the country's three main language regions.

Thanks to its extensive collection of tax data, which are more reliable than survey data, WiSiER opened up major opportunities for detailed analyses of income and wealth distributions at both the individual and household level in Switzerland.

Eight studies published by the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) drew on WiSiER. Their findings provided important inputs to reviews of Switzerland's current social and family policies and laid the foundations for reforms. The dataset also formed the basis of three internal studies by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and 11 research projects by third-party institutions.

WiSiER: a comprehensive dataset for social policy research

FSIO-publications with WiSiER

Last modification 23.05.2024

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Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO), Mathematics, Analyses and Statistics Domain (MAS)


Office MAS

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